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Economic growth in Indonesia in 2015 estimated 5.2 Percent

Economic growth in Indonesia in 2015 estimated 5.2 Percent
Kurniots - Due to weak growth in investment and exports, Indonesia's economic growth in 2015 is estimated at 5.2 percent, slightly below the World Bank projections, released in July 2014 and then, in the amount of 5.6 percent. Economic growth in 2014 is estimated at 5.1 percent, 5.2 percent lower than previously estimated. As stated in the Launch and Discussion Indonesia Economic Quarterly, December 2014 edition, issued by the World Bank, titled Bringing Change Unit Building Gadjah Mada University Library (Thursday, 18/12/2014).

Economic growth in Indonesia in 2015 estimated 5.2 Percent

Slowing world economic growth resulting decline in prices of some commodities in Indonesia, as well as minimize the presence of new opportunities. However, the estimated growth tapers can be reversed, if the investment goes beyond expectations in 2015. "Spending the domestic market in Indonesia continues to sustain high sustained growth. If Indonesia strengthen the foundation of the economy and strengthening the investment climate, Indonesia can push back the growth rate higher and more rapidly, "said Maysitha Christalist, Economist of the World Bank. further, he said that the adjustment of the price of fuel oil (BBM) has an impact on inflation, but the effect is temporary. inflation is expected to reach 7.5 percent in 2015 , and declined rapidly before the end of 2015, when no other shocks.

Fiscal savings amounted to more than Rp100 trillion of fuel price adjustments now give space to the government to increase public spending for priority sectors, such as health care. Indonesia spends only 1.2 percent of GDP for health care; one of the lowest health allocation when compared to other countries in the world.

In the present discussion as discussant is of the Faculty, Prof. Tri Wibowo, Ph.D and Denni P. Purbasari, M.Sc., Ph.D. According to the discussant, many challenges to be faced by the Indonesian government. For example, until the end of October, the absorption of government capital expenditure (capex) is only 38 percent of the funding for the preparation of 2014 - far below the rate in 2012 and 2013 for the same period. The current account deficit was reduced, but only slightly, namely in figure of USD 6.8 billion or 3.1 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the third quarter of this year. Gradual decline is expected to continue, and the current account deficit is expected to reach 2.8 percent in 2015. In addition, the World Bank said that the prediction is "optimistic" and do not consider the impact of the depreciation of the Rupiah at Rp. 12,900.

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