Kurniots - Tinea versicolor is a skin disease caused by the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. Tinea versicolor appear on the skin surface. and the causes of the emergence of this fungus on the skin is due to lack of attention to the cleanliness of the body was, for example disebakan by excessive sweating and rarely shower. This Tinea versicolor penyaki akian not cause pain, but sometimes it will itch. worse still effect to your appearance, phlegm will make you ashamed. first, this fungus can spread. nah, how to treat tinea versicolor and eliminate phlegm forever permanent alias. try the following tips.
Actually a lot of phlegm drugs in drug stores or pharmacies that you can buy. but be careful, some can cause scars like sunburn. well if you want a natural, here's how.
Garlic can eliminate phlegm. grab the onions and then remove the skin. Then cut into small pieces -potong then rub on the skin fungus.
Mash and blend evenly. Then mix with lemon and coconut oil. Then apply on the skin that is problematic.
Way, take ginger and cut into several sections. Then rub the affected skin surface phlegm.
Puree some starfruit then mix with water whiting, mix well and apply evenly on the skin is attacked phlegm. doing this way twice a day.
It turns out that aloe vera can also cure fungus on the skin, aloe vera Take the rod, break and use the mucus in a way rubbed scrape the skin that panuan.
Tea tree oil is tea tree oil, which is very nutritious and very effective for treating all skin diseases including skin fungus problems. Use tea tree oil a day once to rub on the skin which panuan. do it for 2 weeks. Tea tree oil find in the nearest pharmacy
Apple cider vinegar is also very effective to cure tinea versicolor. how You just mix 1 Human Resources tingal apple cider vinegar with a cup of tea, then apply the tea water to the skin which panuan, apple cider vinegar can find his info tone in Google.
One way you can practice over and try at home. but it will work if done regularly. natural because it takes the process but safe with no side effects.
Actually a lot of phlegm drugs in drug stores or pharmacies that you can buy. but be careful, some can cause scars like sunburn. well if you want a natural, here's how.
How to Treat and Eliminate tinea versicolor Forever
- garlic
Garlic can eliminate phlegm. grab the onions and then remove the skin. Then cut into small pieces -potong then rub on the skin fungus.
- sulfur
Mash and blend evenly. Then mix with lemon and coconut oil. Then apply on the skin that is problematic.
- galangal
Way, take ginger and cut into several sections. Then rub the affected skin surface phlegm.
- starfruit
Puree some starfruit then mix with water whiting, mix well and apply evenly on the skin is attacked phlegm. doing this way twice a day.
- aloe vera
It turns out that aloe vera can also cure fungus on the skin, aloe vera Take the rod, break and use the mucus in a way rubbed scrape the skin that panuan.
- Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is tea tree oil, which is very nutritious and very effective for treating all skin diseases including skin fungus problems. Use tea tree oil a day once to rub on the skin which panuan. do it for 2 weeks. Tea tree oil find in the nearest pharmacy
- Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is also very effective to cure tinea versicolor. how You just mix 1 Human Resources tingal apple cider vinegar with a cup of tea, then apply the tea water to the skin which panuan, apple cider vinegar can find his info tone in Google.
One way you can practice over and try at home. but it will work if done regularly. natural because it takes the process but safe with no side effects.
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